File an IFTA return

Gather the required materials

You’ll need the following:

  • Total gallons you purchased for all fuel types, such as diesel, gasoline, ethanol, or biodiesel
  • Total miles you drove using each fuel type—for example, if you purchased 500 gallons of diesel, you would report your total diesel mileage
  • Receipts for all the fuel you purchased

We consider diesel and biodiesel to be different types of fuel. You must report them separately.

For each jurisdiction where you operated, you’ll need:

  • The fuel type(s) you used
  • The total miles you drove using each fuel type in that jurisdiction
  • The total taxable miles you drove using each fuel type in that jurisdiction
  • Total gallons of each fuel type you purchased and paid tax on in that jurisdiction

For example, if you operated in Washington and Oregon using gasoline and diesel, you would need to report the following for both states and both types of fuel:

  • Total miles
  • Taxable miles
  • Total taxed gallons

File your return

1. Log into your License Express account. You may need to complete multi-factor authentication (MFA).

2. On your account summary page, choose your IFTA account.

If you’re a service agent, you’ll see a list of accounts you have permissions for. First, choose the account you’re filing an IFTA return for. Then choose the IFTA account for that taxpayer to start filing.

3. In the IFTA account area, choose “View Returns.”


4. On the returns page, find the period you want to file a return for then choose “File Now.”


5. Read the information on the “Introduction” screen and choose the “Next” button.

6. Choose whether you had operations:

  1. If you had operations during the period, choose “Yes.” License Express will automatically choose this. Go to step 7.
  2. If you didn’t have operations during the period, choose “No.” Go to step 7.

7. Choose whether to cancel your license:

  1. If you want to cancel your license, choose the “Yes” option. A new field will appear for you to enter or select the last date you operated or will operate. You must choose the last day of the last month in which you had operations or will operate. For example, if the last day you plan to operate is March 10, 2025, choose March 31, 2025.
  2. If you don’t want to cancel your license, choose “No.” License Express will automatically choose this. Choose the “Next” button and go to step 8.

If you had operations, choose the “Next” button and go to step 8.

If you didn’t have operations, choose the “Next” button and skip to step 12.

IFTA returns with operations

8. Choose whether you’ll upload your IFTA return information or enter it manually.

Note: To import your return, you must use our IFTA return Excel template. License Express will not accept files unless you format them correctly.

  1. If you want to attach an Excel file with your IFTA return information, choose the “Yes” option. Use the “Choose file” button to open your files. Find the file you want to import and then choose the “OK” button. Choose the “Next” button.
  2. If you don’t want to import your IFTA return information, choose “No.” Then choose the “Next” button.

Enter your total fuel purchases

9. Enter your total fuel purchases. Don’t separate this information by jurisdiction. Even if you chose to upload your return information, you must complete this screen:

  1. In the first column, enter the number of gallons you purchased for each type of fuel in the list. If you didn’t purchase a certain fuel type, leave the “0” in the field.
    For example, if you purchased 700 gallons of diesel, enter “700” in the box for diesel.
  2. For each type of fuel you purchased, enter the number of miles you traveled using that fuel. If you didn’t travel using a certain type of fuel, even if it’s a type you purchased, leave the “0” in the box.
    For example, if you purchased 700 gallons of diesel but didn’t travel using that fuel, leave the “0” in the box. If you traveled 110 miles using diesel, enter “110” in the box.
  3. License Express will automatically calculate your average miles per gallon (MPG).
  4. After you’ve entered all the fuel you purchased and the miles you traveled using each type of fuel, choose the “Next” button.

Enter fuel and mileage totals by jurisdiction

If you operate using surtax rates, see how to enter fuel and mileage totals by jurisdiction using surtax rates. Note: Based on your operations, you may need to enter information using both methods.

If you uploaded your return information, you can review this screen and skip to step 11.

10. For each jurisdiction where you had operations, you’ll enter fuel and mileage information.

Note: To avoid needing to scroll sideways, you may choose “Condense” at any time to fit each column to the screen.

  1. The first column will be blank until you start entering information in other columns. At any time, you may choose the “X” to remove a column. License Express will ask you if you’re sure you want to.
  2. In the second column, select the jurisdiction where you operated from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the third column, select the fuel type you used in that jurisdiction from the dropdown menu.
  4. In the fourth column, enter or select the date you began operating in that jurisdiction during the filing period. License Express won’t let you enter or select a date outside that period.
  5. In the fifth column, enter or select the date you ended operations in that jurisdiction during the filing period. License Express won’t let you enter or select a date outside that period.
  6. In the sixth column, don’t check the “Surtax” box.
  7. In the seventh column, enter your total mileage for that fuel type in that jurisdiction.
  8. In the eighth column, enter the total taxable miles you traveled in that jurisdiction using that fuel type during the filing period.
  9. In the ninth column, License Express will automatically calculate the taxable gallons of fuel you used.
  10. In the tenth column, enter the number of gallons you paid tax on for that fuel type in that jurisdiction during the filing period.
  11. In the eleventh column, License Express will automatically calculate your net taxable gallons.
  12. Repeat steps 10b through 10k for each type of fuel you used, in each jurisdiction where you had operations.

    For example, if you operated in Oregon using both diesel and biodiesel, you would have 2 rows for Oregon: one for diesel and one for biodiesel.
  13. If you need to enter fuel and jurisdiction information using surtax rates, go to step 11.
  14. If you don’t need to enter any other fuel or jurisdiction information, skip to step 12.

Enter fuel and mileage totals by jurisdiction using surtax rates

11. For each jurisdiction where you had operations that have a fuel surtax, you’ll enter fuel and mileage information.

Note: To avoid needing to scroll sideways, you may choose “Condense” at any time to fit each column to the screen.

  1. The first column will be blank until you start entering information in other columns. At any time, you may choose the “X” to remove a column. License Express will ask you if you’re sure you want to.
  2. In the first column, select the jurisdiction where you operated from the dropdown menu. Do this a second time, so that you have 2 rows for the jurisdiction you just selected.
  3. In the first row for this jurisdiction, check the “Surtax” box in the fifth column.
  4. In the sixth column of the first row for the jurisdiction, enter the total miles you traveled in that jurisdiction during the filing period.
  5. In the seventh column of the first row for the jurisdiction, enter the total taxable miles you traveled in that jurisdiction during the filing period. Don’t enter anything else in the row with the checked “Surtax” box.
  6. In the second row for that jurisdiction, leave the “Surtax” box unchecked.
  7. In the sixth column of the second row for the jurisdiction, enter the total miles you traveled in that jurisdiction during the filing period.
  8. In the seventh column of the first row for the jurisdiction, enter the total taxable miles you traveled in that jurisdiction during the filing period.
  9. In the ninth column of the second row for that jurisdiction, enter the total gallons of fuel you purchased and paid tax on in that jurisdiction during the filing period.
  10. If you operated in the first jurisdiction you added using more than one fuel type, add a line for the next fuel type. Repeat steps 11f through 11i for each fuel type you used in that jurisdiction.
  11. Repeat steps 11a through 11j until you have entered all the fuel types you used in all jurisdictions that use surtax rates.
  12. When you have finished entering information for each fuel type and each jurisdiction, choose the “Next” button.

Jurisdiction totals

12. On this screen, you’ll review your jurisdiction totals, whether you filed using split rates or surtax rates. Make sure you review all the information you entered:

  1. If everything is correct, choose the “Next” button.
  2. If you need to make edits, use the “Previous” button to go back. Don’t use the back button in your browser.

Confirm and submit your return

In this section, you’ll confirm all the information you entered and submit your return.

13. Review your information one more time.

Note: If you reported no operations, all fields on this screen will have “0” in them.

If you’re canceling your license, you’ll see a subheading that says “Cancel license” with the date you chose in step 7a.

  1. If you need to make edits, use the “Previous” button to go back. Don’t use the back button in your browser.
  2. If everything is correct and you owe a balance, choose the “Next” button and go to step 14.
  3. If everything is correct and you don’t owe a balance, skip to step 15.

If you have a balance

If you have a balance, you’ll have the chance to pay it now. Read our guide on how to make a PRFT payment for instructions.

14. After entering your payment information, choose the “Submit” button.

If you don’t have a balance

15. If you don’t owe a balance, choose the “Submit” button.


After you submit your return

On the “Confirmation” screen, you'll see a confirmation number. Keep this number for your records.

You can either choose the “Continue” button to go back to your dashboard or the “Print” button to print your confirmation page.

We’ll review the information you submitted. We may contact you with questions at any time, so monitor your email inbox or your mailbox, depending on your preferred method of communication.

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