Fingerprinting and background checks

Learn the steps and fees for fingerprinting and background checks for licenses that require it.

Before you get started

Be sure to read the FBI privacy act statement before you make a fingerprinting appointment.

If you aren't in Washington, you won't be able to submit electronic fingerprints. Contact the program that licenses your profession for instructions.

If you're in Washington, you'll use Idemia's IdentoGO process to take and submit your fingerprints electronically at one of their many Washington fingerprinting locations.

  1. Go to the IdentoGO Washington portal to schedule and pay for a fingerprint appointment online.
    • When setting up your appointment, don't select Pay for Ink Card Submission (this is for out-of-state applicants only).
    • If your employer is paying for your electronic fingerprinting, select Billing Account as the payment method. Then, enter the billing account code your employer gave you.

    Fingerprinting fees

    Required checks/programs Fingerprint fee Background check fee Total fee
    State and national background checks
    • Appraisal Management Company Controlling Person
    • Bail Bond Recovery Agent
    • CDL Third Party Examiners
    • Driver Training School Instructor/Staff/Owner
    • Real Estate Broker/Managing Broker
    • Armed professional:
      • Security Guard Company Principal
      • Security Guard
      • Private Investigative Agency Principal
      • Private Investigator
    $12.05 $33 $45.05
    State background checks only
    • Unarmed professional:
      • Security Guard Company Principal
      • Security Guard
      • Private Investigative Agency Principal
      • Private Investigator
    $12.05 $21 $33.05
  2. When you arrive at your appointment, you will:
    • Provide your driver license or state-issued ID to verify the information you gave online.
    • Have your fingerprints scanned. The process should take 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. The scanned fingerprints will be sent electronically to Washington State Patrol (WSP).
    • If a national background check is required for your license type, WSP will forward the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
  4. WSP will send the results electronically to us.

Submitting out-of-state fingerprints

Follow the steps below to submit your fingerprints from another state. Note: Do not fold the completed fingerprint card.

  1. Go to a local law enforcement agency or private fingerprint company to have your fingerprints taken.
    • You will pay a rolling fee and this will vary by location.
  2. The Originating Agency Identifier (ORI) number for your profession should be written on the fingerprint card in the ORI box:
    • Bail bonds - WA920410Z
    • Private investigators - WA920210Z
    • Security guards WA920220Z
    • Real estate - WA920100Z
    • Real estate appraisers - WA920650Z
  3. When you have your completed fingerprint card, go to the IdentoGO website to continue the background check process.
    1. At the IdentoGO main screen under Search for services by state, select Washington.
    2. At the next screen, select Digital Fingerprinting.
    3. At the next screen, choose Register for Fingerprint Card Processing Service.
    4. On the screens that follow, choose:
      • Department of Licensing
      • Your profession
  4. On the screens that follow, provide the requested applicant information.
  5. Review and accept the information.
  6. Enter your payment information.
  7. Mail the completed card to:

    Cardscan Department- Washington Program
    340 Seven Springs Way, Suite 250
    Brentwood, TN 37027-8030

Background checks with a conviction

If your background check shows a conviction, we'll review and investigate your record on a case-by-case basis. During the review, we'll look at:

  • The type of crime
  • The level of the conviction
  • The relationship of the crime to your profession's practices
  • The length of time since the conviction occurred
  • Whether you already notified us of the conviction as required

During the review and investigation, we may ask you or other sources to provide more information about the conviction. If we decide to deny your application or proceed with disciplinary action against your license, we’ll notify you and provide information about the process.

If you have a criminal history record

To amend or dispute your FBI criminal record, visit the FBI noncriminal justice applicant’s privacy rights webpage.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360.664.6645
(TTY: Call 711)
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