Employee wellness

Our agency's purpose is “Helping every Washington resident live, work, drive, and thrive.” The Employee Wellness Program helps DOL employees get the knowledge and ability they need to thrive, at work and at home. We've curated this page for employees to access anytime, even outside of working hours.


Get help now

What happens when you call a crisis line?

Mental wellness

Community resources

Support resources

  • AIDE Association
    The Actively Involving Department Employees (AIDE) Association is a 501(c)(3) Combined Fund Drive-supported charity. Its purpose is to assist DOL employees in times of need.
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Useful Resources
    A listing of non-profit/public programs and online resources that offer services, instructions, and information.


Financial support


Physical wellness

Contact us

DOL employees with questions about wellness support can email us at DOLWellness@dol.wa.gov.

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