List of rulemaking activity

Commercial driver license eligibility

  • Driver licensing
    • Commercial Driver License (CDL)
In progress

Current rule(s)

Commercial driver's license—Eligibility (WAC 308-100-020)

Current law is silent on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) individuals. It also has conflicting information for individuals from Mexico and Canada that may also be DACA-eligible for a non-domiciled CDL. This updated rule incorporates the reference from the new federal regulation that defines DACA individuals.

Current step

March 5, 2025

Rule change proposed

Public hearing or comments

We're proposing this rule change under an expedited process (RCW 34.05.353). This process eliminates the need for us to hold public hearings. If you object to the use of the expedited process for this rule change, you must object in writing. Email your objection to or mail it to:

Rules Coordinator
Department of Licensing
1125 Washington Street SE
Olympia, WA 98501

CDL disqualification procedures

  • Driver licensing

Current rule(s)

Final orders (WAC 308-101-230)

We rescinded subsection 4 of this rule to allow for CDL disqualifications to be addressed within the personal driver’s license hearing. This follows an analysis of our CDL disqualification procedures.

Document review and interviews

  • Driver licensing
  • Vehicle and boat registration

State laws already define administrative reviews and interviews. We're required to define the specifics of conducting the document review or interview. Standard procedures include eligibility, evidence needing review, authority of the review, and other legal remedies available after the review.

This new rule provides greater clarity for conducting administrative reviews and interviews.

Moving and nonmoving violations

  • Driver licensing

Current rule(s)

Moving and nonmoving violations defined (WAC 308-104-160)

We're adding more offenses to our list of moving and nonmoving violations.

Current step

November 30, 2022

Rule change adopted

Public hearing or comments

Public hearing held November 22, 2022

Motorcycle permit and endorsement requirements

  • Driver licensing

Current rule(s)

Motorcycle permit and endorsement requirements (Chapter 308-109 WAC)

We created new WAC chapters to address criteria for the issuance of motorcycle instructional permits and endorsements for 2- and 3-wheel motorcycles.

Suspended driver licenses and safe driving courses

  • Driver licensing

Current rule(s)

Drivers' licenses (Chapter 308-104 WAC)

We're adopting requirements about license suspensions due to multiple traffic offenses and safe driving courses. These changes follow a new law that lowers the number of traffic offenses that will lead to a license suspension and requires people who are suspended to complete a safe driving course.

Current step

November 30, 2022

Rule change adopted

Public hearing or comments

Age requirements for driver knowledge exams

  • Driver licensing

Current rule(s)

Administration of examinations (WAC 308-110-030 and WAC 308-104-046)

Right now, our rules limit how young a person can be to take the knowledge exam to get a permit beyond what the law requires. This rule change would match the age requirements under RCW 46.20.055.

Current step

November 28, 2022

Rule change adopted

Public hearing or comments

Public hearing held September 27, 2022

Waiving driver education requirements

  • Driver licensing

Current rule(s)

Waiver of driver education requirement—When granted (WAC 308-104-050)

We updated this rule to reflect the current process for waiving driver education requirements.

Driver hearing procedures

  • Driver licensing

Current rule(s)

Eligibility for hearing (WAC 308-101-040); Signatures (WAC 308-101-070); Scheduling — Notice of hearing (WAC 308-101-090); Continuances (WAC 308-101-120); Subpoenas (WAC 308-101-150); Filing of exhibits and other documents with the department (WAC 308-101-155); Video evidence (WAC 308-101-170); Format and length for briefs (WAC 308-101-180); Conduct of hearings (WAC 308-101-210)

We're updating the procedures, guidelines, and language of the hearing rules to match the intent of the law. These updates make hearings comply with the law, clarify procedures that are unclear, allow procedures that are currently disallowed, explain what isn't part of the procedures anymore, and use more inclusive language.

Current step

March 13, 2023

Rule change adopted

Public hearing or comments

Public hearing held January 25, 2023

Financial responsibility hearings

  • Driver licensing

Current rule(s)

Administration of the Financial Responsibility Act – Procedures (Chapter 308-102 WAC)

These rule changes update and clarify the process of financial responsibility hearings. We're making the rules comply with the law, simplifying parts of the rule that are hard to read, and using more inclusive language.

Current step

March 13, 2023

Rule change adopted

Public hearing or comments

Public hearing held January 25, 2023

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