Before you get started
This guide is for new customers who have registered their License Express account but haven’t added dyed diesel to their License Express account. You can do this for yourself or as a service agent conducting business on someone else’s behalf.
You must set up a License Express account before you can set up a Prorate Fuel Tax (PRFT) account for dyed diesel. You can learn:
- How to set up a License Express account for yourself
- How to set up a License Express account as a service agent
Who can use dyed diesel
Only nonprofit businesses and government entities can use dyed diesel. You can learn more about the laws that apply to dyed diesel on the Washington State Legislature’s website.
Gather the required information
Before you get started, gather all of the following:
- The legal name of the entity applying for the account
- The entity’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
Nonprofit organizations also must:
- Have a Unified Business ID (UBI) from the Department of Revenue
- Be registered with the Secretary of State
If you’re appointing a service agent
If you’re setting up an account for yourself and appointing a service agent, you’ll also need:
- The service agent’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or Social Security number (SSN) — whichever they use when they pay their federal taxes
- Your service agent’s contact information · A signed and notarized power of attorney assignment form that authorizes your service agent to manage your account
If you’re a service agent setting up an account for someone else
If you’re registering on behalf of someone else, you’ll need to upload an electronic copy of a signed and notarized power of attorney assignment form. Remember, don’t sign the form until you meet with a notary public.
Even though the form doesn’t reference dyed diesel, you can use the form to set up a dyed diesel account for someone else.
Set up a dyed diesel account for yourself
If you are a service agent, you can jump to instructions for setting up a dyed diesel account as a service agent.

1. In the dropdown menu under “Select account type to start registration,” select “Dyed Diesel.” Choose the “Next” button.
2. Read the “New Account Registration” instructions, then choose the “Next” button.

3. If you’re a nonprofit, you’ll need to indicate your organization’s type. If you’re a government agency, skip to step 4:
- If you’re registering for the American Red Cross, choose the “American Red Cross” option.
- If you’re registering for any other nonprofit, choose the “Non-Profit Organization” option.
- Choose the “Next” button.

4. License Express will pre-fill the address you entered when you set up your account.
Indicate whether your physical, mailing, and location of records addresses are all the same. In most cases, this will match the information you entered when you set up your License Express account:
- If they are the same, choose the “Yes” option and choose the “Next” button. Skip to step 5.
- If they are different, choose the “No” option.
- If your mailing address differs from your physical address and License Express didn’t auto-fill the field, navigate to the “Mailing Address” field to enter your correct mailing address.
- If the address where you store your records differs from your physical address and License Express didn’t auto-fill the field, navigate to the “Location of Records Address” field to enter the address where you store your records.
- Choose the “Next” button.

5. Enter at least 1 contact for your nonprofit business or government agency:
- Choose “Add a Record.”
- In the dropdown menu under “Contact Type,” select who this contact is.
- Enter their first and last name.
- Optional: Add an email address for your contact.
- Enter at least 1 phone number for each contact. In the dropdown menu under “Country,” select the country for the contact’s phone number. License Express will automatically select “USA.”
- In the dropdown menu under “Phone Type,” select the contact’s phone number type.
- If you want to add another contact, choose “Add a Record” and repeat steps 5b through 5f.
- When you have entered all relevant contacts, choose the “Next” button.
6. Choose whether you want to appoint a service agent:
- If you don’t want to appoint a service agent, choose the “No” option and choose the “Next” button. Skip to step 8.
- If you want to appoint a service agent, choose the “Yes” option and then choose the “Next” button.
7. Enter your service agent’s information:
- In the dropdown menu under “Service Agent ID Type,” select the type of ID number your service agent uses for their federal taxes. The Employer ID number will be their FEIN.
- Enter their FEIN or SSN.
- Choose the button that says “Choose File or Drop Here.” Select the signed and notarized power of attorney form and then choose the “Open” button.
- Under “Effective From,” enter or select the date from which the appointment is effective.
- Enter your service agent’s contact information. Optional: Enter your service agent’s contact information.
If you choose to enter a physical address for your service agent, License Express will validate it. You do not have to use the “Validated” button. - Choose the “Next” button.
8. Choose whether you want to set up another Prorate and Fuel Tax (PRFT) account, such as an IFTA or dyed diesel account:
- If you want to set up another account, choose the “Yes” button. You can find more guides on our [guide parent page link with title] page.
- If you’re finished setting up PRFT accounts, choose the “No” button.
9. Verify your information and then choose the “Submit” button. On the confirmation screen, you can either choose “Continue” to return to your dashboard or “Print” to print your confirmation.
Set up a dyed diesel account as a service agent

- In the dropdown menu under “Select account type to start registration,” select “Dyed Diesel” and then choose the “Next” button.
- Read the “New Account Registration” instructions, then choose the “Next” button.
1. If the taxpayer is a nonprofit, you’ll need to indicate their organization’s type. If the taxpayer is a government agency, skip to step 4:
- If you’re registering on behalf of the American Red Cross, choose the “American Red Cross” option.
- If you’re registering on behalf of any other nonprofit, choose the “Non-Profit Organization” option.
- Choose the “Next” button.
2. License Express will pre-fill the address you entered when you set up the taxpayer’s account.
Indicate whether the taxpayer’s physical, mailing, and location of records addresses are all the same. In most cases, this will match the information you entered while you set up the taxpayer’s License Express account:
- If they are the same, choose the “Yes” option and choose the “Next” button. Skip to step 5.
- If they are different, choose the “No” option.
- If the taxpayer’s mailing address differs from their physical address and License Express didn’t auto-fill the field, navigate to the “Mailing Address” field to enter the correct mailing address.
- If the address where the taxpayer stores records differs from their physical address and License Express didn’t auto-fill the field, navigate to the “Location of Records Address” field to enter the address where they store records.
- Choose the “Next” button.
3. License Express will pre-fill the contact information you entered while setting up the taxpayer’s account:
- If you want to add another contact, choose “Add a Record” and follow steps 5b through 5f.
If you don’t want to add another contact, choose the “Next” button and skip to step 6 - In the dropdown menu under “Contact Type,” select who this contact is
- Enter their first and last name.
- Optional: Add an email address for the contact.
- You must enter at least 1 phone number for each contact. In the dropdown menu under “Country,” select the country for the contact’s phone number. License Express will automatically select “USA.”
- In the dropdown menu under “Phone Type,” select the contact’s phone number type. Enter their phone number and extension (if applicable).
- When you have entered all relevant contacts, choose the “Next” button.
4. License Express will pre-fill your service agent information. Verify that it’s correct.

5. Choose the “Choose or Drop File Here” button and select the signed and notarized power of attorney form from the taxpayer which allows you to conduct business on their behalf. Choose the “Open” button and then choose the “Next” button.

6. Choose whether you want to set up another Prorate and Fuel Tax (PRFT) account, such as an IFTA or dyed diesel account:
- If you want to set up another account, choose the “Yes” button.
- If you’re finished setting up PRFT accounts, choose the “No” button.
7. Verify the taxpayer’s information and then choose the “Submit” button. On the confirmation screen, you can either choose “Continue” to return to your dashboard or “Print” to print your confirmation.
After you set up your account
We’ll verify the information you provided. We may contact you with questions at any time while we work to verify your information. Watch your email inbox or your mailbox, depending on the method of communication you chose.
If we don’t approve your account, we’ll tell you why. You can try again once you have the correct information or documents.