Amend (change) IFTA returns

Gather the required information

You can amend (change) a return that was due within the last 3 years. For example, if you were supposed to file a return in 2025, you can amend that return from 2025 to 2027.

To amend (change) an IFTA return in License Express, you’ll need:

  • Mileage details and fuel receipts for each jurisdiction
  • Confirmation code associated with the filed IFTA tax return you want to change or withdraw

If you’re a service agent acting on behalf of an IFTA customer, you can follow the same instructions as the taxpayer.

When to file or amend (change) your IFTA return

To file your return on time, submit it online or by mail or fax by 5:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) on the due date for the current tax return quarter. The table below shows these due dates.

These due dates also apply to amendments (changes) you make to a return you have already filed. For example, if it’s August, you need to amend (change) your return by 5:30 p.m. on October 25 to avoid late fees and penalties.

Filing quarters and due dates (5:30 p.m.)

Tax return quarter File by 5:30 p.m. on this due date
First quarter: January, February, March April 25
Second quarter: April, May, June July 25
Third quarter: July, August, September October 25
Fourth quarter: October, November, December January 25

If you submit your return after 5:30 p.m., it may not post to your account until the following day.

If one of these dates is a Sunday or holiday, your return will be due on the next business day.

After you finish your amending (changing) your return online, you don't need to mail it. In fact, doing so may make it take longer to process your return.

When to pay taxes

If you owe taxes after filing your IFTA return, you can learn how to pay online through this guide, or you may mail a check. The check should be made out to the Department of Licensing and mailed to:

Department of Licensing
Prorate and Fuel Tax Services
P.O. Box 9048
Olympia, WA 98507-9048

Like the IFTA return, taxes are due by 5:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) on the due date for the current tax return quarter. The due dates are also the same as those for your tax returns. For details, see the table with filing quarters and due dates.

If you pay after 5:30 p.m., it may not post to your account until the following day. There is a penalty fee for late payments. The amount of this fee depends on when you file your return.

Late payments

If you don't pay by You'll owe
Due date 10% penalty
First day of the next month 10% penalty and 1% interest per month

We must also charge you a penalty and interest on the added taxes under Washington state law (RCW 82.38) if you:

  • Make an amendment (change) to your return that increases the taxes you owe, and
  • Pay your taxes late

However, if you pay on time, you’ll only owe the added taxes.

Amend (change) an IFTA return

Follow the steps below to amend (change) a IFTA return for your government agency or nonprofit organization.

At any time, you may choose the “Save Draft” button to save your progress and continue later.

1. On the "Summary” page, find the “Account” heading. Then choose “View Returns.”


2. You will find a list of returns on the next page. Choose “View or Amend” on the correct return.


3. Choose “Amend”:

  1. Optional: Under “IFTA Return,” you can review the instructions for filing your IFTA return.

4. Above “Total Due,” you can see the taxes you owe. Choose the “Next” button.


5. You’ll now see many of the same screens you review when filing your IFTA return. You'll need to go through the following screens, even if you don’t need to make changes to all of them:

  • Operations
  • Import Return
  • Return Totals
  • Jurisdictions
  • Jurisdiction Totals
  • Return Summary

If a screen doesn’t need updates, choose the “Next” button to continue.

If a screen needs updates, enter the correct information and then choose the “Next” button.

6. Review the information about your return. Then choose the “Submit” button.


7. On the “Confirmation” screen, you'll see a confirmation number. Keep this number for your records. You’ll need it to access this return.

When we finish processing your return, we’ll post the return to your account.

8. You can either choose the “Continue” button to go back to your dashboard or the “Print” button to print your confirmation page.


9. If you owe taxes after amending (changing) your return, you can read about how to make a payment.

If we owe you a refund, you’ll be able to choose whether you want to receive it by mail or electronically.

After you amend (change) your IFTA return

We’ll verify the information you provided. We may contact you with questions at any time while we work to verify your information. Watch your email inbox or your mailbox, depending on the method of communication you chose.

If we need changes, we’ll tell you why. You can try again once you have the correct information or documents.

We may review and correct your return. This includes making changes to the “Total Due” amount. If we make any changes, we'll notify you by phone, email, or mail. You can view changes to your tax return in License Express.

If your return is overdue and you pay before we process the return, check License Express after we process it to make sure your payment went through.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-664-1852
(TTY: Call 711)
mail Email:
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