Fuel licenses: Dyed diesel user

Learn how to get your dyed diesel user license, file a tax return, and more.


Access fuel tax online services

The License Express for prorate and fuel tax online system is an easier and faster way to manage your fuel tax accounts. Register your account now.


Who needs a license?

You need a license if you drive on public roads or highways using special dyed fuel. Dyed diesel users are government agencies or organizations we approve, such as:

  • Public school districts
  • Nonprofit educational organizations
  • Government agencies

How to get your license

  • Complete a Dyed Diesel User Application.
  • Send the completed application to the address or fax number on the form.
  • Once we process your application, we'll send you a copy of:
    • Your license
    • Your first tax return
    • Instructions

Recordkeeping requirements

You need to keep detailed mileage records for each vehicle using dyed fuel on public roadways. These records must include on-road and off-road use on a daily basis.

How to file your tax return

Complete a Dyed Diesel Fuel User Tax Return and:

  • If you're including a payment, mail your completed return and a check to:

    Prorate and Fuel Tax
    Department of Licensing
    PO Box 9048
    Olympia, WA 98507-9048

  • If you're sending only your return (without a payment), mail or fax it to:
    • Mail:
      Fuel Tax Section
      Department of Licensing
      PO Box 9228
      Olympia, WA 98507-9228
    • Fax: 360-570-7839 or 360-586-9729

Need help? Get instructions for completing your dyed diesel tax return.

Filing quarters and due dates

Tax return quarter Due date for filing*
First quarter: January, February, March April 25
Second quarter: April, May, June July 25
Third quarter: July, August, September October 25
Fourth quarter: October, November, December January 25

*Tax returns must be postmarked the next working day if any of the due dates fall on a weekend or a Washington State holiday. 

Late payments

If we don't receive your payment by You'll owe
Due date 10% penalty on the tax owed
First day of the following month 1% interest per month

Refund for tax-paid non-dyed (clear) diesel

If you paid taxes on at least 41 gallons of fuel in the last 13 months, you may be eligible for a refund if you used the fuel for:

  • Boating
  • Construction
  • Farming
  • Logging
  • Landscape or lawn maintenance
  • Export
  • Auxiliary equipment (such as the dumping mechanism on a dump truck or the boom on a boom truck)

Visit the fuel tax refunds page to see if you qualify.

Related information

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-664-1858
(TTY: Call 711)
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