Business loans are important for all types of businesses. They provide money to help a business grow and manage expenses. Picking the right loan and lender takes careful planning, and you need to consider your business’s financial needs.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) partners with lenders to increase access to loans for small businesses. Find a SBA-guaranteed loan program that is right for your business.
A commercial lease is a legal contract between a landlord and a business. It allows the business to rent property for operations, which is essential for those needing a physical location.
To run a driver training school, you need either a lease or proof of ownership for the building. The term of usage or lease agreement must include:
- Start and end dates.
- The location address.
- Signatures from both parties.
The school’s location must also:
- Be in a business or school zone.
- Be more than 1,000 feet from one of our driver licensing offices or a location that gives driver license exams.
- Be used only for driver education during school hours.
- Not be in or on the grounds of a home or apartment building.