Continuing education: Court reporters

Learn about continuing education requirements for court reporters and how to verify your completed continuing education.

Continuing education requirements

When you renew your court reporter certification, you must verify you have completed 5 continuing education units (CEU) since you last renewed your license.

  • 1 CEU = 60 minutes of education in an approved program.
  • CEUs can't be more than a year old.
  • You can't carry over excess CEUs from a previous year.

Approved programs

To meet your continuing education requirements, you must use approved programs directly related to your development as a court reporter. They're listed in the License renewal - Continuing education - Penalties [WAC 308-14-100 (2)].

Verify your continuing education during renewal

Verify online

Log into SecureAccess Washington (SAW)

Don't have a SAW account? Learn how to create a SAW account.

Verify by mail

Complete a Court Reporter Certification Renewal Application and answer the certification question.

Mail your form and a check or money order for the renewal fee (payable to the Department of Licensing) to:

Court Reporter Program
Department of Licensing
PO Box 35001
Seattle, WA 98124-3401

Proof of completed continuing education

You don't need to send any documentation of your continuing education with your renewal. However, you must keep proof of your CEUs for at least 3 years and provide them to us if requested.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-664-6633
(TTY: Call 711)
mail Email:
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