Exams: Bail bond recovery agents

Learn how to take the bail bond recovery agent exam and read the study guide.

About the exam

The exam has 50 multiple-choice questions. You must correctly answer 85% of the questions to pass.

Exam fee

There's no cost to take your first exam. If you don't pass the exam, you must pay a fee each time you retake it.

How to take the exam

  1. Apply for a bail bond recovery agent license or endorsement.
  2. After you apply, we'll contact you to schedule your exam.
  3. On your scheduled date, we'll email you a link to take the exam online.
  4. After you take the exam, we'll contact you and let you know if you passed.

Retake the exam

If you don't pass the exam, you can schedule a new exam 7 days after the previous one. You must pay a fee to retake the exam.

Study guide

The bail bond recovery agent exam covers these subjects:

Federal laws

State laws

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-664-6611
(TTY: Call 711)
mail Email: security@dol.wa.gov
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