Process an IRP renewal

Gather the required information

To request an IRP renewal for a vehicle in License Express, you will need:

  • Washington (WA) state vehicle truck registration (Validated Copy of Record) for each vehicle that needs an IRP renewal. This form features much of the information you will need to add your vehicle to your account, such as:
    • the vehicle identification number (VIN)
    • unladen weight
    • gross vehicle weight (GVW)
    • number of axles
    • purchase date
    • purchase price
  • Current stamped copy of the Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax form (2290) from the IRS for all vehicles that are running a combination 55,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight or more and have a purchase date of 60 days or more ago.

Other items you may need

Depending on your circumstances, you may need additional documents or information.

  • If you lease the vehicle you operate, you’ll need a lease agreement.
  • If the vehicle you lease is no longer under the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) jurisdiction, you’ll need a Leased Vehicle listing form.
  • If you purchased the vehicle and the previous owner has given you permission to sue their registration credits, you’ll need a signed cab card or gross weight certificate. If you reported mileage from the previous year, you’ll need the renewal packet we sent you.

Note: If you have questions about IRP registration, vehicle type, weight requirements, jurisdiction weights and their maximum operating weights, commercial or combination use, or other questions, visit International Registration Plan, Inc. (IRP Inc) website.

Request an IRP renewal

Follow the steps below to request an IRP renewal for one or more vehicles in License Express.

1. On your License Express dashboard, under “Summary,” in the “IRP Fleet” section, choose “View Registration.”


2. Choose the “Registration period that is for the upcoming year. Do not choose the reporting period that is about to expire.

3. In the top navigation panel, choose the “Jurisdictions” option.


4. Distance refers to the total miles (mileage) your vehicle has traveled within each jurisdiction. Choose “Change Distance” to enter the distance associated with your vehicle.

5. On the “Change Distance” screen, you can choose whether to report estimated distances or actual distances traveled for your vehicle. The choice depends on whether you had operations (i.e., when you traveled) with respect to the reporting period.

For example, if the reporting period is July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and you started your account on August 1, 2024, that is, after the reporting period, then you will use estimated distances because you did not operate during the reporting period.

  1. If you are a new carrier, or if you started your account after the reporting period, License Express defaults to “Use Estimated Distances.” Choose the “Next” button, and then “Submit.” Skip to step 6.
  2. If you’re an established carrier with previous operations, choose “Use Actual Distance.”
  3. In the “Distance” column, enter your actual mileage for each jurisdiction you traveled within. You can find these mileage values in your Renewal Packet.
  4. When you have finished, choose the “Next” button and then “submit.”

6. To confirm your choice, in the “Confirmation” window that pops up, choose the “OK” button.


7. After you confirm your choice, your screen will look similar to what you saw before you added your mileage. In the top navigation panel, choose the “Pending” option.


8. Under “Actions,” choose “Renew a Registration.”


9. In the table under “Vehicles,” you will see that License Express defaults to selecting all the vehicles in your IRP fleet for renewal. License Express will renew all the vehicles you select using the information you submitted for the previous registration period.

If you don’t want to renew a certain vehicle in your fleet, you must uncheck the box next to it in the “Renew” column. If you change your mind, you can always renew a vehicle later.

Note that in the example screenshot, the fleet only has one vehicle. Your list of vehicles may be longer.

10. Choose the “Next” button.


11. Under “Renewing Vehicles,” review all the vehicles you have selected for renewal. Choose the “Submit” button.


12. Under “Confirmation,” you’ll see a message confirming you’ve created a renewal for the upcoming registration period. However, we will likely need additional information and documents to complete your renewal. Choose the “Continue” button.


13. At this stage, we will ask you for the documents we need for each vehicle to process its renewal. Note: License Express calls this group of documents your “supplement”:

  1. To see which document(s) you need to upload for your vehicle(s), under the middle column “Validations,” choose “View Unverified Documents.”
  2. If you have already submitted these documents skip to step 19.
  3. If you are using your own USDOT number and have no vehicles running a gross vehicle weight over 55,000 lbs., then you will not need to upload additional documents as part of this renewal. You will still, however, need to submit the renewal fee. Skip to step 19.

14. Select the “vehicles” tab in the top navigation panel and select the “change” hyperlink for each unit that you will be renewing. Select the renew vehicle option and then select “next” to continue.


15. Under “Documents,” you will see the documents we require to review this vehicle’s registration. The list of documents varies depending on the vehicle’s weight and whether you are leasing the vehicle:

  1. To attach a document, choose the “Add Attachment” button.
  2. A new window that allows you to upload files from your device will appear.
  3. In the dropdown menu “Type,” select the type of attachment you’ll upload. Note that the dropdown menu will only list documents we require as part of this vehicle’s renewal.

    Note: License Express will not allow you to upload multiple files with the same name. If you need to upload Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (Form 2290) for different vehicles, you will need to give each file a different name on your computer before you upload it. For example, “Tax Form 2290_1” and “TaxForm2290_2,” etc.
  4. Under “File,” choose the “Choose File” button.
  5. Choose the file you want to upload from your computer.
  6. Choose the “OK” button when you are finished.
  7. Repeat step 16a through 16f for each document listed under “Documents.”
  8. When you have finished uploading all the documents we require, choose the “Submit” button.

16. A window that says “Confirmation” will appear:

  1. Under “Are you sure you want to submit the changes to this vehicle?”, choose the “OK” button to submit the attachments.
  2. If you want to change the files you attached or attach additional files, choose “Cancel.”
  3. Repeat steps 15 through 17a for all the vehicles you want to renew as part of this registration period.

17. After completing step c. for all the vehicles, select the “pending” option from the top navigation panel, and then select the “submit” hyperlink from the actions panel.

18. Under “Confirmation,” you will see a message that confirms that we have received your supplement.


Make your payment

All renewals have a fee associated with them, but fees vary. To learn more, read our guide on how to make a PRFT payment.


After you make your payment, your IRP renewal will be complete.

Note that it may take up to 24 business hours for your renewal invoice to appear in your letters. This invoice will appear in your letters even if you make your payment immediately.

After you process an IRP renewal

After you process your renewal, you’ll see the new registration period listed on your License Express IRP dashboard.


We’ll verify the information you provided. We may contact you with questions at any time while we work to verify your information. Watch your email inbox or your mailbox, depending on the method of communication you choose.

If we need changes, we’ll tell you why. You can try again once you have the correct information or documents.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-664-1852
(TTY: Call 711)
mail Email:
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