Before you get started
Processing times
It may take 7-10 business days for processing after receiving your documents. Requests with incomplete information may take longer to process.
If you have not received an update within 30 days, please contact us at 360-902-3900.
What is financial responsibility?
It's proof you have a way to pay for any damages you may cause while driving.
Who needs to file proof of financial responsibility?
Anyone who has:
- Been convicted of, or forfeited bail for, certain offenses.
- Failed to pay judgments.
- Driven or owned a vehicle involved in an accident.
What is considered acceptable proof?
You have 3 options:
- SR22 Insurance written for Washington State by an approved insurance company.
- To verify the Insurance commissioner approved your insurance company, look up an agent, agency or company (
- Certificate of deposit for at least $60,000, issued by us (DOL). See Certificate of deposit.
- Liability bond for at least $60,000. You can get this from any surety or bonding company authorized to do business in Washington.
How long do I have to provide proof of financial responsibility?
In most cases, 3 years from the date you're eligible to reinstate your license.
Related information
- Mandatory insurance
- Failure to pay accident damages: Financial Responsibility Law
- Failures to pay accident damages: Unsatisfied civil court judgments
- What if I can't find auto coverage Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Questions? Need help?
Call us: 360.902.3900 (TTY: Call 711)