Failure to pay accident damages: Unsatisfied civil court judgments

Why was my license suspended?

You failed to satisfy a civil court judgment against you for collision damages within 30 days.

How long will my license be suspended?

If you fail to satisfy the civil court judgment, your license will initially be suspended for 10 years, and the suspension can be extended for an additional 10 years upon notification from the court. Non-compliance could result in many years of suspension.

How can I get my license back?

To reinstate your license you must do one of the following:

  • Option 1:
    • Contact the attorney or individual listed on the Notice of Suspension and enter into an agreement to make payments. The court must send us a Release of Abstract of Court Judgment,
    • and
    • Get proof of financial responsibility, such as a Certificate of Insurance (SR-22). An insurance agent can help you with this requirement.
  • Option 2: Pay the judgment in full and file proof of financial responsibility (SR-22). The court must send us a Release of Abstract of Court Judgment.
  • Option 3: The court needs to provide us information that the judgment has been vacated or set aside.

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