UCC business-to-government filing and searches

Learn more about business-to-government batch filing and searches and the pros and cons of using this option.

Should I use this option?

If you have a computer system that currently stores the data necessary to perform a UCC filing, you can use electronic batch filing to:

  • Reduce or eliminate duplicate data entry
  • Reduce or eliminate postage costs
  • Reduce or eliminate writing checks


  • No duplicate data entry.
  • Immediate filing. Your electronic filing or search is processed when you submit it. There's no wait time and your filing position is assigned immediately.
  • Automated payments. Fees are calculated automatically.
  • No postage.
  • No rejections. Records that don't meet the minimum filing requirements are refused.


  • Upfront investment. Some costs are associated with setting up your computer system to output files in the required format.

Accepted forms of payment

Submit an ACH Payment Plan (Direct Debit) Authorization Agreement when using this option.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-664-6616
mail Email: ucc@dol.wa.gov
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