Learn about geologist stamp/seal approved designs, specialty stamps, and how to use your stamp.
How to get your stamp or seal
After you're licensed, it's your responsibility to get a stamp or seal.
Your stamp may be rubber, embossed, or digitally produced. You should be able to get one from any stamp manufacturer. When ordering, make sure it contains all of the following:
- Your name
- Your license number
- The legend "State of Washington Licensed Geologist"
- Your specialty (if you're licensed as an engineering geologist or hydrogeologist)
Approved designs
The approved designs are shown below. Deviations from these designs aren't allowed.
- Your name should appear where it says "Your Name Here"
- Your license number should replace the row of zeroes

Specialty stamps
If you're licensed as an engineering geologist or hydrogeologist, you're not required to get both a geologist stamp and your specialty stamp. However, you may do so if you plan to practice geology outside of your specialty.
How to use your stamp or seal
- You must stamp/seal, sign, and date every final geology or specialty geology:
- Report, letter report, or document you prepare, or that is prepared under your supervision or direction and submitted to other parties.
- Figures, maps, and plates bound within final reports or documents don't have to be individually stamped/sealed, signed, and dated.
- Unbound final figures, maps, and plates must be individually stamped/sealed, signed, and dated.
- Draft work doesn't have to be stamped/sealed, but the documents and all associated figures, maps, and plates must be clearly marked as a draft.
- Design and specification you prepare, or that is prepared under your supervision or direction.
- Draft design and specification drawings don't have to be stamped/sealed, but each design and specification must be clearly marked as a draft.
- Report, letter report, or document you prepare, or that is prepared under your supervision or direction and submitted to other parties.
- If you stamp/seal, sign, and date work performed by someone other than yourself, you're responsible to the same extent as if you prepared the report, design, or specification.
- It's against the law to use your stamp while your license is expired, delinquent, revoked, or suspended.
Rules for seals and stamps
- Do I need a seal? (WAC 308-15-070)
- When do I need to use my stamp/seal? (WAC 308-15-075)