Get answers about bail bond licenses and rules.
Bail bond licenses
Do I need to take a test to get a bail bond agent license?
We require an exam for bail bond agents who don't have 3 years of experience.
Where can I find the latest forms?
See our bail bond forms for the newest applications and other documents. Please discard old forms.
Bail bond agencies
How can I contact the Office of the Insurance Commissioner?
Online: Visit the Office of the Insurance Commissioner website.
Phone: Call 360-725-7080.
Insurance Commissioner
PO Box 40257
Olympia, WA 98504-0257
Can I accept payment from electronic benefit (EBT) cards for bail bond services?
You cannot accept EBT cards or cash withdrawn from an ATM by EBT cards as payment for any bail bond service.
If your business has ATMs or point-of-sale machines, you must disable them from accepting EBT cards. We must suspend your license if you don't follow this law. We can reinstate your license when your business disables these ATMs and point-of-sale machines.
See Electronic benefit cards—Prohibited uses—Violations (RCW 74.08.850) for more information.
Bail bond recovery agents
What is the approved badge design for bail bond recovery agents?

We have approved this badge design for bail bond recovery agents.
You do not need to carry a badge while working as a bail bond recovery agent. If you are going to carry a badge, the design must match the legal requirements and be approved by the Department of Licensing.