Vehicle and boat data requests

Learn the requirements for requesting vehicle or boat data from us.

Who needs to access vehicle and boat data?

Those who might request driver and ID data include:

  • Automobile, boat, and component manufacturers
  • Legitimate businesses
  • U.S. or Canadian government
  • Insurance companies or self-insured entities
  • Local government
  • Government or commercial parking companies
  • Department of Licensing contractors, counties, and licensing sub-agents auto dealers
  • Toll operators (including the Washington State Department of Transportation and its contractors)

To find out how these groups use vehicle and boat data, read about how we use your information.

Data request requirements

We do not approve all data requests. We consider each request based on the following criteria:

  • Whether your organization can legally receive the data
  • Your organization’s ability to safeguard protected personal information (PPI)
  • If we have the resources to provide the data

We'll send you notice of our decision and, if you're approved, the next steps. We do our best to provide data in the timeframe you request, but we can't guarantee when we'll deliver the file.

How to request data

Follow the steps below to request vehicle or boat data.

1. Apply for a data records contract (if necessary)

Who needs a contract?

  • You must have a contract with us to request protected personal information and data on a regular basis
  • You don't need a contract if you're requesting a one-time data file that doesn't include protected personal information

How to apply for a contract

2. Follow our data sharing rules

See data sharing contract compliance for a full list of requirements.

Data security

Before providing protected personal information, we must evaluate your organization’s data security program to ensure it meets our standards.


After you receive protected personal information, we may audit your organization. This is to ensure you follow contract requirements.

Audit costs are your organization's responsibility.

Requesting lists of vehicle and boat owners (recurring or one-time)

State law (RCW 46.12.630) governs who can receive lists of vehicle and boat owners and for what purpose.

We provide vehicle and boat owner information in the following ways.

Plate Search Secure File Transfer (SFT)

Plate Search SFT provides limited information used for:

  • Vehicle parking tickets
  • Tolling
  • Photo enforcement

Service details

  • The SFT runs hourly and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • We can send multiple files a day (one per hour)
  • We'll send a flat file, such as an Excel spreadsheet
  • A report of sale includes:
    • Registered owner information with a yes or no flag 
    • Date the owner reported the vehicle sold
  • The file layout varies by type


  • One-time setup fee: $3000 (paid in advance)
  • Monthly fee: $300
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN) fee: $0.025 per unique VIN
  • Fees reimburse us for the cost of providing the data to your organization

Plate Search Web

You can use Plate Search Web for:

  • Vehicle parking tickets
  • Tolling
  • Photo enforcement

Service details

  • The web service is available daily, from 3:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. PT
  • We'll send the data in XML format
  • A report of sale includes: 
    • Listed buyer/purchaser
    • Dealer temporary plates (e-permits)
  • The web service links directly to the live system
  • The file layout varies by type


  • One-time setup fee: $3000 (paid in advance)
  • Monthly fee: $300
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN) fee: $0.025 per unique VIN
  • Fees reimburse us for the cost of providing the data to your organization.

Secure File Transfer (SFT)

You can use SFT for aggregate data requests for vehicle and boat information. This does not include Plate Search SFT or Web. You can also use SFT for one-time or recurring data transmissions.

Service details

  • We'll send you a flat file, such as an Excel spreadsheet
  • The file layout varies based on your needs

One-time data file fees

  • Your organization must pay for the actual costs of creating and providing the data file
  • Rate: $60 per hour
  • We'll provide an estimate upon request
  • Vehicle/boat identification number (VIN/HIN) fee: $0.025 per unique VIN/HIN

Recurring data transmission fees

  • One-time setup fee: $3000 (paid in advance)
  • Monthly fee: $300
  • Vehicle/boat identification number (VIN/HIN) fee: $0.025 per unique VIN/HIN
  • Fees reimburse us for the cost of providing the data to your organization

Requesting lists without vehicle and boat owner information

Review the information below before applying for a contract.

Secure File Transfer (SFT)

You can use SFT for aggregate data requests. This does not include Plate Search SFT or Web. You can also use it for one-time or recurring data transmissions.

Service details

  • We'll send a flat file, such as an Excel spreadsheet
  • The file layout varies by customer needs

One-time data file fees

  • Your organization must pay for the actual costs of creating and providing the data file
  • Rate: $60 per hour
  • We'll provide an estimate upon request

Recurring data transmission fees

  • One-time setup fee: $3000 (paid in advance)
  • File fee: $300 per file (each month you request it)
  • Fees reimburse us for the cost of providing the data to your organization

Related information

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-902-7100
(TTY: Call 711)
location_on Address:
Department of Licensing
Attn: Public Records Officer PO Box 2957
Olympia , WA 98507-2957
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