
Why was my license suspended?

  • We didn't receive your vision or physical certificate, or it was incomplete.
  • You failed to appear for, or didn't complete, the reexamination of your driving skills.

Why was my license canceled?

  • We received information that your condition:
    • Isn't controlled.
    • or
    • Isn't within licensing standards.
  • You failed to qualify after a reexamination of your driving skills.

How to get your license back based on the reason for suspension or cancellation

Reason for suspension or cancellation How do I get my license back? Can I appeal?
We received information that your condition:
  • Isn't controlled.
  • Isn't within licensing standards.
Follow the instructions below to submit a new physical or vision certificate showing your condition has improved to within acceptable standards. Yes. You can appeal within 15 days from the date on the notification letter we sent you. A form for appealing the cancellation is included with the letter.

If you appeal, the Hearings Officer will consider the following issues:
  • Whether we have sufficient cause to take action against your driving privilege.
  • Whether you're able to establish any of the following:
    • The condition doesn't exist.
    • The condition has improved.
    • That you can safely operate a motor vehicle in spite of the condition.
For more information, see Requesting and preparing for a driver hearing.
We didn't get your physical certificate.
  1. Complete the "Driver" section of the Physical Examination Report (English, Español, Русский, and more) form and sign it.
  2. Have your doctor fill in the rest of the form and send it to us.
    • The physical exam must have been conducted in the last 90 days.
    • Your condition must be within acceptable licensing standards.
No, you can't appeal or contest this type of suspension.
We didn't get your vision certificate.
  1. Complete the "Driver" section of the Visual Examination Report (English, Español, Русский, and more) form and sign it.
  2. Have your eye care specialist fill in the rest of the form and send it to us.
    • The vision exam must have been conducted in the last 90 days.
    • Your condition must be within acceptable licensing standards.
No, you can't appeal or contest this type of suspension.
You didn't complete, or failed, a reexamination. Pass a driver reexamination, which may include any of the following:
  • Medical and vision screening
  • Knowledge test
  • Driving test

Contact your local driver licensing office if you need to schedule a reexamination.
No, you can't appeal or contest this type of suspension.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-902-3900
(TTY: Call 711)
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