Parental Authorization Affidavit Form

The Parental Authorization Affidavit is used by a parent or guardian to grant permission of a minor (under age 18) when they apply for a license, permit, or endorsement.

How to use the form to grant permission

This form is not required if the adult or guardian granting permission is present at the time we issue a license, permit, or endorsement.

The Parental Authorization Affidavit form (available in English, Español, Русский, and more) must be signed in the presence of a notary public or one of our licensing service representatives.

  1. The adult granting permission takes the form (printed on white paper) to a notary public or driver licensing office along with their own license or ID card.
  2. The adult granting permission fills out and signs the form in the presence of the notary public or licensing service representative.
  3. The minor submits the completed form as part of the application, and establishes their identity with other documents.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-902-3900
(TTY: Call 711)
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