Accumulation of traffic tickets (moving violations for traffic infractions)

What happens if I receive too many moving violations for a traffic infraction?

By law, we group these traffic infractions into “occasions,” also known as traffic stops. We count multiple infractions from a single stop as one occasion. We’ll suspend your license for 60 days if you get:

  • A conviction of a moving violation on 3 separate occasions in a 12-month period, or
  • A conviction of a moving violation on 4 separate occasions in a 24-month period.

There is a 1-year probation period to begin when the suspension ends.

During your probation, we’ll suspend your license for 30 days for each qualifying ticket. This suspension will run consecutively to any suspension on your driving record.

Note: Remember to keep your address current so we can notify you of any changes to your driving status. Within 10 days of moving, please:

How do I get my license back?

To get your license back when the suspension is over:

  1. Provide us with a proof of financial responsibility (SR-22) insurance certificate.
  2. Take an approved safe driving course.
  3. Get a new license.

Can I get a restricted license while I have a suspended licensed?

While you have a suspended license, you may be eligible for an Occupational/Restricted License (ORL).The ORL will allow you drive to work or other necessary appointments until your suspension is over.

Can I contest or appeal the suspension?

You may request a review within 15 days from the date on your suspension letter. The letter we sent to you includes a form for you to request a review.

What will you consider during my appeal?

  • Any convictions of a moving violation on 3 separate occasions in a 12-month period.
  • Any convictions of a moving violation on 4 separate occasions in a 24-month period.
  • Any other traffic infractions for a moving violation during your period of probation.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-902-3900
(TTY: Call 711)
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