Treatment reports of Substance Use Disorder

Can I contest or appeal the suspension?

To prevent the suspension from taking effect, you may appeal the suspension within 15 days from the date on your notification letter. The letter we sent to you includes a form for appealing the suspension.

You also may request an interview or hearing any time after the 15–day period, but your license will remain suspended pending the outcome of the interview or hearing.

What will be considered during my appeal?

  • Whether a qualified chemical dependency professional diagnosed your condition as moderate or severe Substance Use Disorder.
  • Whether you are in compliance with the recommended treatment program.

For more information, see Hearings.

Changes to treatment terms

  • Diagnostic and treatment terms have been updated and no longer use terms Drug or Alcohol Abuse or Drug or Alcohol Addict as described in RCW 46.20.031 (3): Ineligibility.
  • A condition previously described as Drug or Alcohol Abuse is now described as Mild Substance Use Disorder.
  • A condition previously described as Drug or Alcohol Addict is now described as Moderate to Severe Substance Use Disorder.

How can I get my license back?

If you live in WA, your treatment provider can submit the Alcohol/Drug Assessment/Treatment Report (ATR) electronically. You can find an authorized facility by contacting the Department of Health Information Line at 1-800-525-0127 or 360-239-4700. For faster service, follow the prompts and leave a message with the appropriate program or visit the DOH's website for further assistance.

If you don't live in WA, your treatment provider must submit the Alcohol/Drug Assessment/Treatment Report (ATR) to us:

  • Fax: 360-570-7044
  • Mail:

    Department of Licensing
    Attn: Medical/Alcohol
    PO Box 9030
    Olympia, WA 98507–9030

We'll release the suspension when your treatment provider notifies us an assessment has been completed and you've completed or complied with your treatment program.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-902-3900
(TTY: Call 711)
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