Why was my license suspended?
You were found to have violated mandatory terms of your court probation following a conviction for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Physical Control.
What happens when my license is suspended?
We'll suspend your driver license for 30 days or extend the suspension of the existing DUI conviction for another 30 days.
What if my driver license is from a state other than Washington?
During this suspension:
- You aren't eligible to apply for a Washington driver license.
- You may not drive in Washington with a license from another state.
How long will my license be suspended?
30 days.
Can I get a restricted license?
No, you can't be issued any type of driver license during this suspension.
Can I contest or appeal the suspension?
Yes, you may request an administrative review within 15 days from the date on your suspension letter. The suspension letter we send to you includes a form to request a review of the suspension.
How can I get my license back?
When your suspension period is over, apply for a new license. You'll be required to pay a $75 reissue fee in addition to your other licensing fees.