Learn how to request our public records online or by mail and see the associated fees.
Do I need to request a public record?
Much of our data is publicly available on Washington's open data portal. Check if the information you need is there before you request records.
How do I request public records?
Request records online
You can request all types of records by visiting the Public Record Request portal. The portal is a secure platform for:
- Requesting the records you need
- Getting updates about the status of your request
- Easily accessing records once we've processed your request
If you can't use the online portal, choose one of the options below.
Request records by mail
Vehicle and boat records
Complete the form below and mail it to us at the address shown on the form.
All other records
Complete the form below and mail or email it to us at the address shown on the form.
How long will it take?
You'll receive a reply by email or mail (depending on which option you chose) within 5 business days after we receive your request. The response might include the records you requested, but sometimes we'll do one of the following:
- Ask a few questions to understand exactly what records you need
- Give an estimate of the time needed to search for and produce the records
- Redirect you to a different state agency or public website
- Deny your request
Can you deny my request?
We screen all requests for public records to determine if we can fulfill them. If we must deny your request, we'll tell you:
- Why we denied your request
- The specific law(s) that prohibits disclosing the records
We will not provide records, information, or testimony on protected health care services pursuant to RCW 7.115.020.
Public disclosure fees
We may charge you for the costs of preparing copies of the records that you request. We won't release any requested copies of public records unless and until you've paid the fees.
You can pay by cash or check or money order (payable to the Department of Licensing).
Deposit fee
You may need to pay a deposit of up to 10% of the estimated cost of copying the public records you requested. You may also have to pay an installment or the remaining amount before we give you the records.
Record fees
Photocopies, printed copies of electronic records, or use of agency equipment to make photocopies
- $0.15 per page
Scanned records or use of agency equipment for scanning
- $0.10 per page
Files or attachments sent via email, uploaded to a cloud-based data storage service, or using other means of electronic delivery
- $0.0125 per electronic record, or
- $0.05 for 4 electronic records
Records sent electronically or use of agency equipment to send records electronically
- $0.10 per gigabyte
Custom data requests
- $60 per hour needed to prepare the data compilation
Other fees
We'll charge you the actual cost of these things:
- Digital storage media or devices
- Container or envelope used to mail copies
- Postage or delivery charges
There is an additional service charge if we need special technology to prepare your request.
Waiving fees
We may waive any charges for providing public records at our discretion. We’ll make this decision on a case-by-case basis.
Learn more about Washington's regulations for charges for copying and costs for providing copies of records.